Intergalactic Bounty Hunter: Both AWESOME! Custom RPG and Decent Custom Live Game Master Software!
->This product is mostly under development but may go public around fall. Use at your own sanity.
You can play IGBH or an adapted RPG with this toolset.
Go here for help on the forum
This toolset requires Adobe Air installed. Adobe air creates an executable, but it is bound by Adobe Flash sandboxing principles so it cannot be a virus you can read more on adobe's webpage). Why I used Adobe air is that it allows for local disk access for game masters who want to create their own art library. Some local storage is used in documents/abcrpg for graphics. Adobe stopped supporting this awesome product so I have the latest version for download.
Player client version 7 3/28/2021
Game Master Art Pak. Extract to my documents/abcrpg
Game Master Map Editor 7 3/28/2021
Read Documentation for Game Master Editor
Intergalactic Bounty Hunter: Online Live Game Master RPG
Read the Space Cadet's Handguide, aka player handbook briefing.
Roll up a Character
Experience to Level up
Weapons Store
Discount Weapons Store
Armor Store
Android Parts
Supplies for Space Craft
Space Ships
-James Sager