Battlemon by GoodNewsJim for Android

Imagine Pokemon Go, but with actual complex Player vs. Player combat and trading... Oh and when you go to certain parks around the world, there is a custom quest for that very park. You will gather clues in the park, battle enemies, get passwords and keys then battle the boss and get treasure. This design was made many years before Pokemon Go came out, but I waited for someone with deep pockets to blaze legal precidents.
A few years ago I saw my cousin playing with action figures and told him,"Yo, wanna make a video game?" I literally made this game so the young kids in my family can say that they made a video game. Yes. I spent thousands upon hundreds of hours just making a game to be cool with the kids in my family. They spent hundreds of hours: David, Tayrn, Jemma, AJ, Nick, Alexander and Abagail this is for you :) Not everything is kids' art though. They only gave me what they had, to fill in for more battlemon, I used free art from
If you create a Battlemon, you can tell people you or your kids made a video game too!
Not all Battlemon are the same. They have different stats you see and secret stats you don't see that affect how they level up. It makes it fun because it gives you reason to collect many of the same type of Battlemon. You train them by taking them into combat. And the ones that level up good you keep. The ones who don't level up so well, maybe you release to the Nature Commission for gold. So constantly training new battlemon to get the best ones is fun already. But imagine how fun it will get when you start trading for other people's Battlemon they trained for weeks. There are common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary Battlemon

Gold can be used to buy booster packs. Booster packs give several Battlemon at once. You can gain Battlemon from Booster Packs or by doing battle and winning.

Battle Types:
Player vs Enemy: When you win, you get one of the highest rarity enemies.
Player vs Player: Not enabled until we get a larger player base, read more at bottom.
Each card has damage, life, accuracy and dodge. Each point of accuracy is roughly an extra 5% to hit. Each point of dodge is a 5% modifieragainst being hit. Exact math at the bottom of the page. You want to have enough damage to deal a fatal blow on the other card's life. You can gain extra damage by elemental alignments, but you can do fine even if you don't focus on that. Attacking with an attack type that is exactlyon the opposite side as the body type of the defending Battlemon will do an extra 50% damage, and almost opposite you will do some extra too. 35% extra damage one step away from exact opposite. 25% bonus damage for two off exact opposite.

If that all sounds too complicated, you can play as intense or as chill as you want. You can literally hit an Auto Attack button each match, and just check back after a few minutes and see if you won new battlemon. Auto Attack isn't an optimal way to win each match, but if you're busy multi tasking, it is fun to do. Watch me play, its pretty easy:

When leveling Battlemon, you can choose to Mana Miser, Regular, or Power Surge.
All leveling increases the card's mana cost. You normally always want to level a card though.
Regular level up has a balance between mana cost and accuracy/dodge/damage/life improvements.
Power Surge increases your card's mana cost by the most, but accuracy/dodge/damage/life can be surged higher faster.
Mana Miser makes it so the card doesn't cost much more mana, but you are less likely to get improvements.

Ability List:
Positive Abilities:
Blitz: No summoning sickness, attacks immediately. This only has relevance in PVP matches.
Mana Gift Self: Gives some liquid mana the next turn. This only gives one round of mana in PVE.
Mana Restrict Other: This takes some liquid mana away from the enemy player next turn. This only applies to PVP matches.
Armor Pierce: Armor does not reduce your damage.
Flying: Gain 4 extra dodge vs non flying melee. Only gain 2 extra dodge vs non flying range. Fliers have no penalty to hit you.

Gain Health: Every turn gain health which can go beyond your maximum health.
Gain Attack: Every turn gain 1/3 of the amount in attack which stays the duration of the match.
Node Erode Other: Reduce the amount of nodes generating liquid mana for the opponent. This applies each turn.This only applies to PVP matches.
Damage Shield: When this battlemon is attacked, it attacks back for X damage. This is similar to Retaliate.
Hero Bane: Deal extra damage to the enemy hero. This only applies to PVP matches.

Steal Crystal: When you hit the enemy hero, rob them of X crystal if they have enough.This only applies to PVP matches.
Retaliate: When attacked and hit, strikes back.
Guardian: If any player has a champion with guardian, no other Battlemon but guardian Battlemon can be attacked.
Dominate: If this Battlemon KOs an enemy, and it hasn't attacked yet, it will not get this round's attack off.
Initiative: Initiative Battlemon strike first.

Immune: Attacks from this element deal no damage.
Resist: Attacks from this element deal 1/2 damage.
KO King: If a Battlemon with KO King knocks out an enemy battlemon, you draw a card. More useful in PVP matches.
Intimidate: If a Battlemon with Intimidate and more damage attacks and damages a Battlemon of lesser damage, it can't strike back that turn.
Cowmunism: Share Liquid Mana across both players.

King of Cow Town: If Cowmunism is in play, if only one player controls a Battlemon with King of Cow Town ability, they get all the crystal mana.
Crit Strike: X% chance to do X% extra damage.
Ludicritical: X% chance to do X% extra damage, and if this happens, repeat it again with X-1 chance. Ludicritical strikes can do crazy high damage.
Multi Strike: Attack X times. Each extra hit is assigned to enemies you didn't already hit if there are any, otherwise just randomly.
Raise Morale: All allies gain X/3 extra damage.

Smart Strike: Won't waste damage on an already destined to be KOed enemy.
Delayed Strike: Strike Last, it is the reverse of initiative. This isn't a positive or negative ability really...
Inferno: All Enemy Battlemon take X damage each round.
Blazing Inferno: All Battlemon take X damage each round.
Stun: Enemy Hit: Prevent the next X times from attacking.

Sleep:Enemy Hit: Prevent the next X times from attacking, but if attacked, Battlemon is awakened and sleep is over.
Charm: Enemy Hit: Fights on your side for X times.
Confuse: Enemy Hit: Fights a random target on either side.
Poison: Enemy Hit: Poison begins doing X damage per turn. Does not stack. The highest poison damage is the one used.
Plague: Enemy Hit: Plague begins doing X damage per turn. Does stack.

Clense: Great chance for one random debuff to be removed (Plague/Poison/Confuse/Charm/Sleep/Stun/etc)
Clense All:Great chance for one random debuff to be removed from each Battlemon(Plague/Poison/Confuse/Charm/Sleep/Stun/etc)
Heal Self: Gain X health each turn.
Triage Heal: The Battlemon missing the most health heals for X.
Heal All: All Battlemon on your side heal for X.

Heroic: Does nothing now, but later will limit the number of this Battlemon in play by 1.
Overkill Surge: The damage this champion does past 0 health is added to its damage for next turn only(unless it contributes to more overkill)

Negative Abilities
Mana Gift Other: Gives some liquid mana to the other player next turn. This is a negative ability. This only applies to PVP matches.
Mana Restrict Self: This takes some liquid mana away next turn. This only applies to PVP matches.
Clumsy: You have a greater chance of missing attacks.
Wobbly: You get hit easier.

Node Erode Self: Lose max liquid mana generation each turn. This only applies to PVP matches. This is the opposite of Node Erode Other.
Immobile:Cannot attack unless has retaliate or damage shield and already attacked. Can not dodge.

Over 180 Battlemon and increasing.
Cards are balanced with a tool that I feed in stats and it gives mana cost back.
Cards are balanced by simulating thousands of battles and seeing strengths and weaknesses.
Player vs Player: There is no first turn advantage because combat resolves at the same time. This can be ranked or unranked and you test to see who's the strongest Battlemon Handler. We need a larger player base before enabling this mode. It is done, but we need a larger player base. Damage is 3x as much, and you gradually gain mana each turn.
Attack vs Dodge: Both attacker and dodger roll a 20 sided dice (hidden). Dodger rolls first. A natural 20 is a critical failure and is missed.
1 is a critical success and its full dodge modifier penalizes the attacker. Anything under your dodge is subtracted from your dodge and that penalizes the attacker's chance to hit.
Attacker rolls next. A Natural 20 is always a miss. You always have a 5% chance of missing except vs immobile opponents. (in pve at least, pvp has slightly modified rules to favor more hits).
Anything rolled under your accuracy is the differences between your accuracy and your roll. If that difference is greater than the dodge modifer penalty, you hit. Otherwise you miss.
Also if you have over 16 in dodge or accuracy, you roll 1-20 again if you get 16-19. Example: Say you have Accuracy 40. You roll a 17.
You roll again, but your accuracy for this roll is now calculated at 25. If you get 16-19 again, you roll once more with your accuracy calculated at 10
11-19 and you miss.
The fun part is that you don't need to know math to play. Just aim the battlemon of yours to deal damage to destroy their life.

It might be kids art, but these are deep and well thought out game mechanics by a grandmaster indie dev. Stick it out til we get a player base and start doing multiplayer and trading!
See my other games.